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Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Girl's Fruity Dinner

calories 40
dietary fiber: 1g
sugars: 8g
protein: 1g

Brown Crispy Rice: 1/4 cup
calories 80
 fat: .5g
dietary fiber 1g
sugars 1g
protein: 1g
iron: 2%

Chobani greek yogurt:
calories 140
sugars 19
protein: 14g
vitamin c 2%
calcium 20%

Pear: (half)
calories 58
dietary fiber 3g
sugars 10
vitamin c 7%
calcium 1%
iron 1%

Banana: (half)
calories 72
dietary fiber 2g
sugars 10g
protein 1g
vitamin a 1%
vitamin C 12%
iron 1%

honey wheat braided twists: (2)
calories 55
fat .75g
dietary fiber >1g
sugars 1g
protein 1g
iron 1.5%

The total meal was
About 7 grams of fiber
About 49 grams of sugar
About 18 grams of protein
About 5% daily iron (for a 2000 calorie diet)
About 21% vitamin c (for a 2000 calorie diet)
About 1% vitamin a (for a 2000 calorie diet)
About 20% of calcium (for a 2000 calorie diet)
About 445 calories

It was a little high in the sugar intake but not as bad as I had thought. This meal was also fat free, which I don't think is a particularly good thing for growing toddlers but they made up for the fat missing in this meal in the cupcakes i baked them, scrambled eggs and chicken sausage and ham sandwiches they had throughout the day.

I just wanted to post this for myself, and anyone else who ever considered feeding their kids a meal of just fruit and yogurt. It looks to me like this isn't a bad meal at all, in fact, I feel kind of good about it for an occasional throw together "meal."

PS I'm exhausted, I made no promises that I correctly added or spelled anything.

1 comment:

  1. Sugar, yes, but so much of it was from fruit, that can't possibly count as too sugary, can it? =)
